Friday, January 21, 2011

Episode: Sculpture, Architecture

Possible title:
Boxed in

Problem: A family just moved into their house, and unpacked all their clothes and furniture and kitchen goods. The rough economy has forced them to downsize from a larger house to a townhouse. The kid is taking it rough, but his dad (single parent household?) tries to cheer him up with the potential that exists in all the leftover cardboard boxes.

Possible art:
The Imaginauts could try to inspire him with different examples of architecture. We should feature vastly different varieties.
A yurt is a Mongolian hut, made of a wooden structure covered in felt.

An igloo is from the Inuit, made of snow.

Then we could briefly discuss Gothic architecture, the typical format complete with the arches and lofty ceilings, with an example being the Notre Dame Cathedral.

Also, De Stijl (Internation style) and skyscrapers!
Empire State Building

I think that an investigation of Minimalists would also help to transform the boxes into something more meaningful for the problem character, although that might be hard for the viewers to digest. Alternatively, the simple shapes and actions of land art could also be good to look at.

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