Thursday, January 27, 2011

Episode Line-Up

Episode: Architecture
Problem: A kid in a family that has just divorced has had to move to a smaller house (apartment?). After they move in, (s)he is left with all these empty moving boxes. What a metaphor!
Worlds: Architecture, yurt --> igloo --> evolution of cathedral --> Bauhaus --> skyscraper

Episode: Literature
Problem: A kid is having trouble writing a fictional story for his class.
Worlds/People: Don Quixote --> City of Lit --> Edgar Allan Poe --> Greek myths (and drama?)

Episode: Photography
Problem: "camera -- D:"is what it says on the poster lawl. A kid who specializes in photography in his art class is shunned by other kids in the class who think his photography isn't real art.
Worlds/People: Dorothea Lange, Walker Evans, Great Depression portraiture, The PORCHtrait, ??

Episode: Sculpture
Problem: A kid is playing in the snow and is frustrated at his deranged mutant killer monster snow goons.
Worlds/People: Human form via sculpture, Women of Willendorf, Riace Bronzes (Greek sculpture), Ana Mandieta silueta, ImagiClub dance party

Episode: TV/Video/Animation
Problem: A kid suffers underneath anti-TV parents and has unfortunately adopted the militant policy himself.
Worlds/People: Eadward Muybride and the first motion picture, Life of an American Fireman (showing more than one view), Nam Jun Pak, Charlie Chaplin black and white, 3D land

Episode: Design
Problem: Kid needs to clean his room, thinks these chores are boring and pointless
Worlds/People: Bicycle pants, ??

Episode: Music
Problem: A kid from a musical family is forced to have music lessons
Worlds/People: Baroque, The Doors, Jazz, Pop, Blues

Episode: Printing
Problem: A kid is misrepresented in a newspaper (something he made?)
Worlds/People: Jost Amman and Standebuch, Johannes Gutenburg, Hokusai: Mount Fuji, Hogarth: Gin Lane

Episode: Color & Light
Problem: There's a problem within the art world! In the COLOR FIELDS, the citizenry of the ImagiNATION have run amok! The reds, blues, and yellows have formed separate camps and are refusing to commingle.
Worlds/People: The Color Fields, Red world, Blue world, Yellow world


Fill me with your thoughts.