Friday, January 21, 2011

Episode: Sculpture, Fashion

Possible titles:
?? This is getting hard

Problem: It's a snow day and a kid is building snow men but they look all the same, as in delapidated and mutant. How can he learn that it's okay to make mistakes or that it's okay to deviate from the norm?

Possible artists/art:
I was thinking about showing a spectrum of how representations of the human form differ, from early representations like the Woman of Willendorf

to Classical Greek sculpture (Riace bronzes)

to things like Ana Mandieta's silueta (silhouettes).

Maybe they can all be dancing at an Club ImagiNation?

Also, an investigation of fashion and its evolutions could also show how it's okay for things can be different. For example, the invention of the bicycle made it necessary for women to find an alternative to skirts and dresses: bloomers! We could show how pants were first thought inappropriate for women, but now it's definitely a-okay.
NOTE: fashion history lesson courtesy of Jessica. She's so knowledgeable about this stuff, I couldn't help but ask!

1 comment:

  1. I really like the idea of basing what examples we show of the artwork around what the kid is trying to do - like showing all these different kinds of human figure, to help with snowmen, or showing a bunch of kinds of basic building type to help with forts. It might be in our best interest to keep the focus within the topic narrow so that there is a doubly-strong connection between what the kid is doing and how we are helping them with it. Then, when we pass through the world in which (for example) the bronze statues are, we also get a taste of classical greece!
    (This might all be a statement of the obvious, and what we were already planning on/with, but the stars only just now aligned for me on this. I fear us losing connection with our musee, and it being obvious that they are only an excuse for adventures.)


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